The Push-Up

Basic Description of the Push-Up: Maintaining a plank while lowering and raising torso to the ground

This is a gif animated image of an athlete performing a push-up

The Push-Up

Maintaining a plank while lowering and raising torso to the ground

  • Place both palms on the ground (shoulder width) with arms extended straight, hips open, legs straight balancing on the toes (a plank position)
  • Tight mid-section
  • Lower the body as a unit by bending the elbows (45 degree angle to the torso)
  • At the bottom position, the chest and thigh must make contact with the ground
  • Then extend the arms, raising the body as a unit to a fully locked out elbow
  • Maintain a straight line between shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles at all times

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