30 motivational quotes for fitness, weightlifting and CrossFit

Sometimes we all need help getting started, and that’s what motivation is for. These 30 motivational quotes are about finding success, overcoming failure, keeping perspective and pushing oneself harder everyday. Use them to become a better athlete for yourself.

Turn one of these motivational quotes into a custom workout journal

you are never too old to set another goal - cs lewis fitness motivation for fitness journals pinterest 900x600purple and pink fitness journal cover with never too old quoteStriving for success without hard work - david bly fitness journal inspiration pinterestSuccess is focusing the full power of all you are - wilfred peterson fitness journal inspiration pinterestblue weightlifting journal cover success is not finalWe conquer ourselves inspiration for fitness journal pinterestred and black We conquer ourselves fitness journal coverSuccess-is-not-final,-failure-is-not-fatal-it-is-the-courage-to-continue-that-counts---winston-churchill-fitness-journal-inspiration-pinterestImage of pink and black success is not final custom fitness journal cover


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Sue it is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves custom fitness journal

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Perservance is not a long race - walter elliot fitness journal motivation pinterest


most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out theyve got a second - william james fitness journal inspiration pinterest



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